Thursday, November 27, 2008

Union Choke-holds on America

Attractive Girls Union Refuses To Enter Into Talks With Mike Greenman

This is just getting out of control.


Anonymous said...

"When Susan B. Anthony started the Attractive Girls Union ( AGU )in 1827 they had respect for all the members of Geeks Union of Youth ( GUY ).Our downfall was in 1920 when women won the right to vote. We let the AGU gain too-much power ."said GUY local 69 leader Flight Risk.

When confronted with this statement AGU local 420 leader Miss Brazen was quoted as saying " Guys down fall was when they started the Linoleum movement of 1918 "

Li-no-le-um n. when laid right the first time it can be walked all over for life .

Kevenj said...

Flight Risk-you continually bust me up!! :)

To coin a phrase, 'falling on the floor, laughing!!!!'

You're wasting your God-given talent on....teaching??
comon! Let's ask the AGU 420 Local Leader if she'll oversee us mere mortal GUY locals put an online skit together sometime..OK?